Aiy Yi Yi!!

I started the morning off with a blatant reminder of why I DON'T MISS TEACHING FRESHMEN!!! The 1st period tardy bell wasn't five minutes gone when I had had ENOUGH of Miss'Tude...and hauled her keister into the hall.

As this wasn't our first hallway "conference", I was considerably less tolerant of her surly, idiotic behavior. Once we got into the hall, I was pretty efficient with how quickly I lined her out. We discussed how much I did NOT enjoy how she spoke to me....and how she talks to her other teachers just like that. We then discussed how, Ms. H is NOT all of her other teachers...and she most definitely does not allow children to talk to her like that. Period. If she doesn't learn in any of her other classes how to speak to teachers in a calm, respectful, appropriate tone -- by George she will in COMMUNICATION CLASS.

or she will fail.

Although I wasn't yelling at Miss'Tude, NeighborTeach heard us in the hall, and came out to check. When she saw who my GuestofHonor was...she turned around and re-entered her room. I figure there were 2 reasons for this.

1. She didn't trust herself around Miss'Tude because they'd had RUN-INs last semester...


2. She knew better than to come close to me, lest I decide to reoay the gift she gave me. Seeeee, NeighborTeach GAVE Miss'Tude to me at the beginning of the semester, because she had had so many problems with her last semester. GAVE.

My question? Where's the return counter?!?!?!

Once Miss'Tude and I re-entered the room, I put the class to work studying their notes to get ready for the game-show test review. During the studytime, two girls -- FishOne and FishTwo come up to my desk to ask me a question. They see the new picture of Buggy that's on my desk....

FishOne: Wooooooooo! He is FINE!!
FishTwo: Who? Jerome?
FishOne: No! Not Jerome -- the Puertorican guy.
FishTwo: Who? Oh....Oh yeah!
FishOne: Isn't he on the gymnastics team?
NewFish: laughing hysterically....The what?
FishOne: The gymnastics team.
NewFish: *snort*
Ms. H: Do you realize you're taking your life in your hands, laughing at one of my kiddos?!
NewFish: (sobering) Miss, he's your son? But...but...he doesn't look like you.
FishTwo: No, he's not her actual son. She adopts kiddos from her classes....DUH!
NewFish: No, Missssss.....I wasn't laughing at him...I think he's hot...I mean, gymnastics is hot...I mean...
Ms. H: I get it...I get it...
FishOne (to FishTwo): Have you noticed how many cute guys all come to see Ms. H?
FishTwo: Yeah, Miss. They sure do! They're HOT!
Ms. H: Ladies, please! I've known these boys since they were scrawny little me, I don't see them as hot.
FishOne: Miss, is he related to that guy that was in here this morning?
Ms. H: Yep. Lemme guess. You think he's hot, too.
*roll collective fish swooning audio here*
Ms. H: *smothering a grin* Nice, girls, real nice. Could you please go and study for your test? Please?

Because I believed that the universe owed me a small something for having to deal with freshman-female-hijinks today....I sent Buggy a text telling him that he had a fan club in my class, thanks to the new picture of him and TeamMate. I expected a delay in his response, since he was probably just starting on his way to school. (He has off-period.)

Imagine my surprise at the INSTANTANEOUS response: "Who?"
Me: "Several girls. Lots of girls. I'm thinkin it'd be hysterical if you dropped by before next period."
Buggy: "I am."

He arrived about 5 minutes before the dismissal bell. Watching those girls realize who was at the door was PRICELESS...sweet -- sweet entertainment!!! One of them did the TigerWoods arm-pump... "YESS!" and the others all got super-duper giggly. And kept making cow-eyes at him in a desperate attempt to get his Royal Attention.

And do you wanna know who was the most entertaining of all?

Why, that'd be the young lady who acted too tough to follow my rules this morning.

Yep, Miss'Tude sure did drop the 'tude IN A HURRY... so she could be all sugar and light to Buggy.

I didn't know whether to become violently ill....or come up with a daily bribe to get The Bugg to hang out in my room as a 'Tude-Repellant.

Because, apparently, in addition to being "hot" .... he's also a magician.

