Momentous Moments

MM1: I decided to place an offer on the house.
MM2: I decided to NOT let my heart attached to the house until I have the keys in my hand.
MM3: BigBro told me that Buggy is reconsidering the Marines.
MM4: BigBro and I are on the same page about Buggy needing to NOT do the Marines unless he is fully informed about college being a viable option.
MM5: BigBro said I could tell Buggy that I know....and that BigBro told me.
MM6: When I asked if he cared if Buggy got mad at him, he snorted and said, "Corner him, Miss. Line him out."
MM7: Talked to the ROTC Commander about my issues with RecruiterDude. It turns out they've had to talk to RecruiterDude before....apparently Buggy isn't the first one he's pursued so relentlessly...with so little consideration for "Truth in Advertising". The Commander is going to talk to RecruiterDude's commanding officer.
MM8: He told me I was 100% correct about the process Buggy & I used to get him out of the DEP.
MM9: The Commander thanked me for being a concerned and involved teacher. *grin*
MM10: I spent a fair amount of time this evening in house-purchasing pursuits. After a meeting with my new mortgage broker (whom I felt REALLY at peace with)...I came home and discussed my contract with my realtor. !!!!!!!!
MM11: I talked to Novia about today's various conversations about Buggy & the Marines. She was relieved that BigBro told me....she had no idea that he had told anyone else about it over the past week & a half. We're plotting our next strategy.

Sidenote: I'm contemplating caving and attending the meet tomorrow night. Novia told me, "Miss, you know that once you get there...he'll get over this attitude and be glad you're there." I don't know what to do....I want to shake his little tree, but I don't want to miss out on a meet. What to do...what to do...?