Howdy & Welcome!

A month or so ago, I talked to a reporter from Houston about an article she was writing on teacher blogs. She was incredibly cool with the fact that I wanted to disclose very few identifying details about my name/school/location.

Last night, I hit my site counter to check it out. Imagine my surprise when my average visits/per day went from 20 to 64. When I looked at the referring links, I saw that a lot of them came from that article in the Houston paper:

Granted, my extensive conversation with Jennifer, the reporter, was reduced to a few small sentences. Nevertheless, the impact has been incredible. I have a ton of people from all over the world stopping by to take a quick tour of Uberschool. Some of them do "drivebyreading"...others pull up a lawn-chair and prepare to "sit a spell". One new reader has even dropped me a's on the bottom of yesterday's post.

To all of them, I say...

"Howdy, y'all!! Thank you for visiting me....and welcome to my crazy little corner of the universe known as Uberschool."

Annnnd, please please-- feel free to make comments ... even though the post is "old", I am kept updated on the comments because they are forwarded to my email address for "moderation". I would love to hear my new readers think of the goings-on with Buggy and his brigade!

Have a great evening....and I'll see you tomorrow!
