Friday's Fiesta of Fire

No. It's not what you're thinking. I didn't set the place on fire on my way out. (I need somewhere to earn a paycheck, after all!)

Friday was spent dealing with the following fires:
~teachers who couldn't stay off the network long enough for the grades to import
~other teachers who were annoyed at all of the "get off the computer" announcements over the PA
~summer school teachers who needed to get grades done so they could attend the meeting
~confusion about what we were supposed to print out for our 'checklist'
~confusion about why we had to print anything at all, considering everything is 'archived'
~pissed-offedness about 250 teachers having to try to print when there are few working computer/printer combinations
~crabbiness that our Lan-Tech is not a driven-by-initiative sort.
~lack of clarity on the instructions for archiving gradebooks
~getting stopped every 2.5 seconds in the hall to hear about one of the above items
~a body thermostat that was in overdrive
~ears that were itching/burning/gloopy
~itching/burning/gloopy ears that were wayyyyyyy sensitive to noise (such as PA speakers)
~sinuses that ran like a broken faucet
~needing to mail my brother's birthday card....and finding out I don't have his new apt. number
~attempting to persuade Buggy to let adult-teacher-types serve as character witnesses at court

Thankfully, there were a few bright spots to the day:
~my hard drive/home folder got organized and dumped onto my disc-o-key
~my desk got cleaned off. kind of.
~all of my textbooks got inventoried and labeled.
~all of the items on the "pink checklist" were COMPLETED
~the universe rewarded me for the pain I endured with my student, PITA (click here)
~we got Buggy's camp registration filled out and ready to mail

As the day wore on, I felt increasingly worse. About 3:30, I realized that all of the Fiery Factors of the day pointed to a sinus infection. I drove straight from work to the doctor, where she was impressed with just how red my ears were. This was right before she ordered that I get a shot in the posterior, and gave me 2 new prescriptions. Ouch!

I spent the evening crashed out on the couch, praying for the drugs to kick in. By the time I woke up this morning, my ears, although still gloopy and somewhat itchy, are no longer on fire. (En fuego!)

Thank heavens for small miracles.

Going to nap...hasta!